BreakThrough Cancer Pain

Cancer is enough to affect one’s quality of life but breakthrough cancer makes things worse for patients. In line with this, a blogger’s event was held last March 8, 2017 at EDSA Shangri-la Hotel. 

Sharing their experience on the topics were two "pain experts", Dr. Dolma Santos and Professor Michael Uberall. Dr. Santos is a member of the Board of Directors of the Pain Society of the Philippines while Professor Uberall is a renowned and widely published physician in the Pain and Pallative Care with over 600 scientific lectures and more than 100 original papers in this field. Prof. Uberall is also the Medical Director of the Institute for Neurological Sciences in Nuernberg Germany and President of the German Pain League.

Dr. Dolma Santos

Professor Michael Uberall

Among the important key points from the event were the following: 
  • There are two types of cancer pain—background pain and breakthrough cancer pain. According to Professor Michael Uberall, Breakthrough cancer pain (BTcP) is a transient exacerbation of pain that occurs either spontaneously, or in relation to a specific predictable or unpredictable trigger, despite relatively stable and adequately controlled background pain. BTcP is characterized by a sudden onset of pain that reaches peak intensity within as little as 3 minutes and lasts for an average of 30 minutes. Patients with cancer will experience an average of 4 episodes of Breakthrough Cancer Pain in a day.
  • Breakthrough cancer pain is a common problem among cancer patients and is also known to have a severe detrimental impact on quality of life (QoL), including daily functioning, social relationships and enjoyment of life. There is absolute need for effective treatments for relief of BTcP as current treatments do not adequately address this concern.
  • Now, cancer patients who suffer from Breakthrough Cancer Pain do not have to miss those special moments in their lives. Don't waste precious time! If you or any of your loved ones are suffering from Breakthrough Cancer Pain, please consult either your pain/palliative care specialist or your medical oncologist.

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