In the situation that we are all in now, battling an invisible enemy Covid 19 virus and with its many variants still proliferating today, we can do nothing but to take care of ourselves. Mask, Face Shield, and social distancing can protect us from being infected. But most important of all, we should prepare our body to fight this virus just in case.
Boost our Immune System
When all else fails, your body is your last defense to fight this virus. Live a healthy lifestyle, proper diet, nutrition, exercise and enough rest. Since we cannot get all the nutrition our body needs by the food we eat, it is vital that we take vitamins as a reinforcement, as a supplement in other words.
Let’s not deep dive on the 42 vitamins and minerals content of Biocomplete, you can find them anyway printed on the box. Just read the label :) Simply put, why do we need a multivitamins with probiotics?
- It’s all-in-one. All the vitamins
our body needs in just 1 capsule tablet.
- A lot of benefits we can get from
What is
Probiotics are made up of good bacteria that helps keep your body healthy and working well. This good bacteria helps you in many ways, including fighting off bad bacteria when you have too much of it.
Here’s some of the slides I want to share with you from Dr. Antonio Ligsay’s most recent webinar sponsored by Dr. Zen. Dr. Antonio Ligsay MD is an Associate Professor of Medicine at St. Luke's College of Medicine. He is also the Division Chief of the R&D Management of the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development of DOST. The following slides contain some of the known benefits of Probiotics
I was fortunate enough to be able to try Biocomplete. Just to see if this is all I really need, I intentionally stopped taking my daily dose of Vitamin C and instead just took 1 tablet of Biocomplete each day.
The first 3 days, I felt my body had to adjust with this new and a more complete supplement. There was a feeling of bloatedness and a night of headache and slight dizziness (though Im not sure if this is an effect caused by Biocomplete). I continued taking it, and lo and behold, I feel better. Bowel movement normalized, I feel more alert and lively, and stronger and healthier :) Even my allergic rhinitis episodes were significantly lessened.
This is my experience, yours could be different. It could be more beneficial, and you would never know unless you try.
As cliché as it may sound, still “Prevention is better than cure!”
So choose your VITAMINS! I suggest you try this one, BIOCOMPLETE instead of taking several vitamins in separate tablets.
By the way, if you are such an OC individual, Dr. Zen's also offers a full dose of Vitamin C on a separate label. And also Zinc! Both reasonably priced!
For the consumers to try Dr. Zen’s roster of Vitamins and supplements, they put this in promo offerings. Check this out.
Click the link below the Item you want to avail. Or go to Dr.
Zen’s website and select any if the three (3) product/s on promo.
Input the quantity. If availing of Biocomplete Buy 1 take 1, put
2 in the qty box. If availing of the Buy 2 Take 1 for Sodium Ascorbate and for
Zinc, input 3 in the qty box.
Click Add to Cart
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Fill-up Name and shipping address
Input the discount code
Sodium Ascorbate and Zinc - AILEENDRZENSDEAL2
Click APPLY. Discount will be deducted from total amount.
Continue with the next step.
About Dr. Zen’s
Dr. Zen’s Research, Inc. is a
subsidiary of InnoGen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., trusted provider of innovative,
high quality, and reliable medical devices and over-the- counter products. We
believe that supplying our clients with high-quality products is vital in
achieving better and efficient services not only for healthcare professionals
but also for individuals who value their health.
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