The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the daily activities of Filipinos, as well as their mental health. According to a study by mental health firm MindNation, more than half of Filipino workers have experienced mental health challenges this year. Reports from June stated 53% of the 6,000 respondents said they worry about health risks and financial pressures brought about by the pandemic.
Given this
challenge, Pepsi-Cola Products
Philippines Inc. (PCPPI)—the exclusive manufacturer of PepsiCo beverages in
the country—continues to raise awareness and take action on mental health in
the work place. They capped the 2021
World Mental Health Day with a mental wellness program aimed at promoting
and teaching mindfulness among its employees.
PCPPI invited
Doc. Esteesa Legaspi, a registered guidance counsellor and a resource speaker.
She taught various methods to practice Self-compassion, mindfulness, and
psychological flexibility as a way to empower ones’ self to be able to empower
The session
forms part of PCPPI’s Mind Matters Programs which started in 2019 to deliver
learning programs to support a mentally healthy working environment. Under this
program, the company has offered learning session on reducing stress and
building resiliency in the time of pandemic.
Last year, PCPPI
invited Dr. Iris Radev, a medical doctor practicing in Canada, and founder of
the Filipino Success Movement, to share her Headspace Mindfulness Techniques.
She highlighted the mindfulness approach through discovering intentions,
demonstrating mindful acts, and developing consistency, all targeted to create
a purposeful work environment in PCPPI.
understands the negative effects of this pandemic on our employees’ mental
health. At this point, mental health awareness needs to be elevated to taking
action. That is what we advocate at PCPPI. Through this program, we hope to
equip our employees on how they can effectively take care of themselves and
their mental health,” said PCPPI president and chief executive officer
Frederick D. Ong.
PCPPI is the
exclusive manufacturer of well-known beverage brands in the Philippines:
Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, 7-Up, Mirinda, Mug, Gatorade, Tropicana, Lipton,
Sting, Premier, Milkis, and Aquafina.