Even the
simplest of household decisions impact how communities safeguard the
environment. In line with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals
(SDG), Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc. (PCPPI) encourages Filipinos to
make more mindful choices on how valuable resources like water, energy, and oil
are consumed and managed.
exclusive manufacturer of PepsiCo beverages in the country, PCPPI reaffirms its
sustainability commitments ahead of Earth Day, which is observed worldwide on
April 22. According to Frederick D. Ong, PCPPI president and chief executive
officer, adopting sustainable lifestyle habits affects people and planet for
the better. “The daily decisions we make can help reduce household waste, save
expenses, and improve our well-being. Living ‘sustainably’ does not have to be
complex, as we can all start with the choices we make at home,” he said.
Re-use and repurpose.
It often takes a fresh perspective to see our everyday tasks
differently. One of the ways to reduce household waste is through repurposing
old items, like plastic water bottles which may be transformed into plant
holders or vases. Used boxes can also be turned into organizers, while brown
paper bags can be used as craft paper for school projects.
Meal planning.
Apart from selecting healthier food options from the market or
grocery, meal planning has the added benefit of consuming just the right amount
of food—thereby cutting down on excess and food waste. Planning meals ahead of
time also helps manage one’s budget, as well as electricity costs.
Unplug when not in use.
Turning off when not in use, using enough water to wash hands,
or unplugging fully charged devices are some good practices to manage resource
consumption at home. These also help maintain the health of electrical
appliances, helping them run properly for longer.
Go digital, go paperless.
One of the shifts accelerated during the community lockdowns was
the move towards paperless transactions. Mail and bills are now accessed
electronically, minimizing the need to consume paper. With further advances in
technology, the possibilities are endless with how the world can help preserve
and protect trees.
supports the practice of these sustainable practices, the organization
continues to work on its own sustainability initiatives that demonstrate its
long-term commitment towards care respect for the environment.
PCCPI aims
to reduce the use of virgin plastic and reach 100% recyclable packaging. The
company continues to expand its efforts in lightweighting and exploring
alternative packaging sources. Since early 2021, PCCPI has also transitioned to
renewable energy use to supply the energy requirements of its plants. Solar
panels are installed in its Batangas, Cebu, and Davao manufacturing facilities.
In line with
the Department of Environment and Natural Resources’ (DENR) Adopt-an-Estero
Program, PCPPI has organized clean-up drives near bodies of water in the
communities where it operates. PCPPI has adopted key waterways across the
country, including those in San Fernando, Iloilo, Bacolod, Davao, Cebu, and
Zamboanga. Partnerships with agencies like the Laguna Lake Development
Authority allow PCPPI to regularly meet with other community stakeholders on
how to best address environmental concerns and develop innovative ways to
protect local ecosystems.
PCPPI is the
exclusive manufacturer of PepsiCo beverages in the country. It distributes
well-loved brands such as Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, 7-Up, Mirinda, Mug,
Gatorade, Sting, Tropicana, Lipton Iced Tea, Milkis, Chum Churum Soonhari, and
Premier. For more information about PCPPI and its products, please visit